SO I am trying to figure out what we want to do in May.
Here are my thoughts of different ideas
1. We could invite a friend not in our ward or your moms (Mothers day) to join in.
2. We could take on a bigger Project I found this Blog so take a look and tell me what you think. i can get my father in law or the
May's dad :) to cut wood she said it took her an hour to put this together I think we are amazing woman and could totally pull something like this off if we worked together.
Example: This cute bench she said it only took an hour. She said it cost $15, there are storage bins end tables and more. A Good will Remake Trip. We go to goodwill spend $10-$15 then to a
craft store to get extras to remake our projects
We could do this some other time (Sat, Morning, etc. )
If you have other suggestions please suggest.