
Date for Craft Night


I can host craft night one of the following nights, so please vote on the poll.  It will close Saturday.  

Wednesday, March 14th
Wednesday, March 28th

Just a note, the sidebar shows Carrie and Callie hosting in April, so the 28th may not give them enough time to execute a craft in the time.  Something to consider...

Also, the men's basketball tournament will be over, but open gym will still be going on for those husbands who want to attend this.  We may always have a conflict here depending on which night Harmony is assigned.


Lindsay said...

I can't do either of those nights :( have a blast though!!!

Lori Homer said...

Glad we are doing this on Wednesday night either is fine with me . Prefer the earlier 14th date agree we don't want 2 craft dates too close together ;} . Thanks much can't wait !